Trip to New Blood Exhibition in Hawick
The New Blood Exhibition showed the work of 6 artists from the Borders who were all under 28 and who had all studied art and design at Borders College before going on to further studies. Some are still undergraduates at Scotland's art colleges, and some have already graduated. The work was very varied and promoted various amounts of discussion. I refer to four of the artists here. Gavin Wood's (above) pieces were of pencil on wood. I thought they were quite beautiful and the skill was obvious. I could never see me being able to wield a pencil with such effect! Alice Scott hung her photographs upside down and on their sides. She was hoping that the viewer would gain a mindful insight into the world around us. I actually quite liked her photos and the two above made a nice group. However I did not think there was anything startling about her photos, the quality, the composition or the subject. I felt I could hang my photos upside down to similar effect. Charlotte...