How males are represented through art through the ages
Generally male figures were produced by male artists as women didn’t have the same access to art training, they were denied access to male models and they were only encouraged to view art as a hobby. Women were supposed to follow the traditional roles of home makers and care givers. David by Michelangelo (1475-1564) – 1501-4, marble statue created during the High Renaissance period. Michelangelo created the statue from a single block of marble. He was only 26 at the time, however already prominent. He was commissioned to carve the sculpture as one in a series that would line the roof of a cathedral in Florence. There had been a series of false starts on this statue before Michelangelo got his hands on it. He worked on it for more than two years. Once the 6 ton piece was completed it was clear it would be nearly impossible to lift therefore it was decided it would be placed in the Palazzo della Signoria where it stood as a symbol of strength and defiance...