Looking up - photos
Looking up or from an ant's eye view! Fireworks night seemed the obvious place to start and the camera phone managed to capture the fireworks quite well. I originally went for the high definition black and white as the contrasts were stark, however then changed it to something less severe as it looked more atmospheric.
We went up to Angus for the long weekend and I took the photo of the Queensferry Crossing through the windscreen- you can see the lines of the windscreen. The original was a subtle photo with gentle blue and grey which worked well as it was however I chose to increase what little contrast there was and use the B&W pinhole mode. This mode works in that it brings strong definition to the clouds which I love however it does tend to make it a bit dark overall - I tried a bit less pinhole but het clouds didn't look so good.
The third is just a straightforward photo of looking up through the trees with, I believe, a slight aqua tint. The original was basically black and white anyway. I included this one as it was my husband's favourite - I like it but it's not exciting enough for me!!
The fourth photo is looking up at the Discovery on a windy day. It got similar treatment as the second one but I reduced the pinhole effect to show some detail of the deck.
And finally for a splash of colour I have included a section of Dundee's new V&A's outside wall. Amazing looking building.Positively strange in a very good way. I think I increased the contrasts, inverted it then gave it a duo tone effect, but I cant be sure. It looked quite effective in lots of different colours and I played about with this photo for a while.
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